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Posts published in November 2022

10 Tricks For Speeding Up Windows 11/10

Dean Mapa 0

Has your PC started running slower than usual? There could be a number of reasons for this decrease in speed and performance. If you have Windows 10, or newer, and…

How To Increase Laptop Speed

Dean Mapa 0

These days, it’s not uncommon to see somebody working or enjoying leisure activities on their laptops, thanks to their convenience and portable sizes. In fact, they have almost become an…

Simple Ways To Check Computer Performance

Dean Mapa 0

There eventually comes a time for PC owners when we must decide between upgrading our computers or taking the time to identify and then fix any issues our current one…

How To Connect Two Computers Wirelessly

Dean Mapa 0

These days, most of us are familiar with Wi-Fi and online networks that allow for easy file sharing. Online drives like Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud, etc., have made it much more…

How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages on Android

Dean Mapa 0

Losing any important file on a device can be devastating…especially if it was an important file. When it comes to PCs, we know there are ways to recover lost files…

Speed & Performance: How Fast is My Computer?

Dean Mapa 0

Have you ever wondered how fast your computer is in terms of speed and performance? Sure, you could look at your PC’s specs and processor speed, but unless your computer…

5 Tips on How to Make an Old Computer Faster

Dean Mapa 0

Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants the newest and fastest computer, and who can blame them? Great specs, sleek designs, top speeds…what’s not to want? But before you go out…

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